West Kent

Pub of the Year 2023

Friday 20 October 2023

Congratulations to Matt, Emma and all the staff at the Nelson Arms, Tonbridge in getting through to the last four pubs in CAMRA's Pub of the Year competition.

They started the journey earlier in the year when West Kent CAMRA members voted them their Pub of the Year. They subsequently were voted West Kent Pub of the Year and won a "playoff" with the East Kent Pub of the Year to be Kent Pub of the Year.

This meant they went through to the national competition where the winners of all sixteen CAMRA areas were judged. These sixteen where then whittled down to a final four which includes the Nelson Arms.

There will be a presentation to the Nelson Arms on 1 November 2023 at 7.30 to commemorate this.

The CAMRA press release about the final four pubs can be found at https://camra.org.uk/press_release/camra-announces-top-four-pubs-in-the-country/.

Nelson Arms Tonbridge

Nelson Arms Tonbridge Kent Certificate