West Kent

2025 Good Beer Guide – Branch Awards

Friday 11 October 2024

With the publication of the 2025 Good Beer Guide a couple of weeks ago, three of our pubs achieved significant milestones in their consecutive appearances. The Branch has been out and about presenting Certificates for these achievements.

Firstly we visited Fuggles Beer Cafe in Tunbridge Wells who have achieved 10 consecutive years in the Guide. It only seems a couple of years ago we were attending the opening. Congratulations to Alex Greig and all of his staff who have maintained the beer quality throughout the ten years. The photo below shows Branch Chair, Tony Shea, presenting Alex with his Certificate.

Fuggles Certificate Presentation

We next visited the Halfway House in Brenchley who have managed 20 consecutive years in the Guide. We had arranged to present the Certificate to Sam Allen but on the day he was unable to be there, so his main cellar man, Tom, stepped up to receive the Certificate from Branch Chair Tony Shea. Congratulations to Sam, his father Richard and all of their staff for achieving this milestone. Not only do they keep at least six real ales on in the pub, they also have their twice yearly Beer Festivals with 60 real ales. The photos show Tom receiving the Certificate and Branch members helping Tom hold the banner outside the pub.

Halfway House Certificate Presentation

Halfway House Banner

Finally we visited the Rose & Crown in Halstead where we able to present at Certificate to Tony, the outgoing landlord for 10 consecutive years in the Good Beer Guide. The photo shows Tony (right) and Jonny, who wil be taking over the pub (left) with Branch Chair, Tony Shea.

Rose & Crown Certificate Presentation

These three awards join the other two Branch pubs who now have a few more than 20 consecutive years in the Guide. These are the Anchor in Sevenoaks and the Grove Tavern in Tunbridge Wells. The photos below show them with their banners at earlier presentations.

Anchor Banner

Grove Tavern Banner